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Activities & Expected Outcomes


Identification of risk indicators for THB for adult and child labour exploitation
Design and develop the prototype INVERT suite
Train prosecutor offices and LEAs
Test and validate the prototype INVERT suite in a general environment
Test and validate the prototype INVERT suite in a specific environmental, such as areas affected by organized crime
Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation of the project results
Developing a prototype of a suite of risk assessment tools
Identification of specific legal companies possibly being employed for adult and child labour exploitation

Expected Outcomes

Intensified effectiveness of criminal investigations
Improved abilities of prosecutor offices and LEAs to quickly and accurately identify places of adult and child labour exploitation
Improved abilities of prosecutor officers and LEAs to quickly and accurately identify victims of human trafficking
Enhance cooperation amongst different prosecutor offices and LEAs
Enhance cooperation amongst prosecutor offices, LEAs, NGOs and other public and private actors
Reduction of THB and related victims