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INVERT workshop - May 27, 2024

On Monday, May 27, Transcrime-UCSC, INVERT Coordinator, organised an online workshop that was attended by the Consortium and international stakeholders. The meeting intended to present the advancements of the first year of the INVERT project and share the draft structure of the prototype INVERT suite to obtain feedback from the experts.  

As part of the INVERT project, the coordinator, with support from the partnership, is developing a prototype suite of risk assessment tools. These tools aim to identify legal companies involved in labor exploitation and potential adult and child victims of such exploitation, with the goal of disrupting the exploitation phase of the labor trafficking criminal business model. 

As the first step in the development process, risk factors have been identified through the use of investigative cases and questionnaires distributed to international experts in the field. Consequently, these risk factors have been operationalised into measurable indicators. Risk indicators are the basis of the risk assessment tools which will be used by prosecutors and LEAs. 

During the workshop, Transcrime-UCSC showed to the participants the design of the INVERT suite which will be a platform with two tools along with the user guide to be consulted if needed.

To provide an example, by using the company tool, the user can search for a company and identify its risk score, therefore the risk of involvement in labour exploitation. Data retrieved from different sources, such as company registries and adverse media repositories, will be integrated in the tool for the screening of companies. Additional analytics, i.e. geographical location; street view; network visualisation; a downloadable report, will be at users´ disposal. The development of the risk indicators and the tools’ functionalities also draws on the outputs of previous European crime prevention projects coordinated by Transcrime.

For the screening of victims, prosecutors and LEAs are asked to complete some victim´s information (i.e. general information; migration process and debt-bondage; housing and control mechanism) to guide further investigations.

As explained during the workshop, after the finalisation of the prototype INVERT suite, trainings for prosecutors and LEAs will be held in Hungary and Italy to support professionals understanding the design and use of the tools.  

Participants were involved in the discussion, and, at the end of the presentation, there was space for questions and feedback. Some international stakeholders provided their fruitful insights to further improve the tools. A survey on technological needs and desiderata of the INVERT suite’s users was shared by Transcrime-UCSC at the end of the workshop.  

Further information cannot be disclosed due to the sensitive nature of the project and suite itself. 

Online workshop - November 22, 2023

The workshop, organised by CCTL (Carabinieri Command for Labour Protection), was held online in November 2023. Partners of the INVERT consortium and external stakeholders attended the event.

The workshop was an opportunity to present:

  • Trafficking crime indicators that were identified during investigations and that were used to establish potential risk factors related to labour exploitation and trafficking in human beings;
  • Risk factors selected by CCTL for the INVERT Project, in relation to 1) victims of: trafficking in human beings, irregular intermediation, labour exploitation, and child exploitation; and 2) companies involved.

These risk factors have been analyzed and verified through online engagement with international experts in labour exploitation and trafficking in human beings.

The workshop represented another opportunity to assess the characterizing features of places of abuse and victims of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation thanks to the active participation of representatives of prosecutor offices, law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and organizations working across Europe.

The risk factors will follow a process of operationalization into risk indicators which has been already initialized. Risk indicators will be then included in the prototype of a suite of risk assessment tools that will provide prosecutor offices and LEAs with effective and easy-to-use tools to be employed in criminal investigations to fasten the identification of specific legal companies possibly being employed for adult and child labour exploitation as well as potential victims of trafficking in human beings.